Σάββατο 12 Οκτωβρίου 2013

O λόγος του Άρη Βελουχιώτη στη Λαμία - 22/10/1944 english subtitles (BINTEO)

Σήμερα έχουμε τη τιμή να σας παρουσιάσουμε ένα Βίντεο που επιμεληθήκαμε με αγγλικούς υποτίτλους και μετάφραση δική μας. Για να μπορέσουν κι αυτοί που δεν μιλούν ελληνικά να καταλάβουν...

Ο λόγος του Άρη Βελουχιώτη στη Λαμία 22/10/1944
σε περίληψη ολόκληρος ο λόγος του Άρηεδώ...
Η περίληψη μας στα Αγγλικά:

Brothers and sisters, Greeks of Lamia and this area,
on behalf of the general headquarters of ELAS (Greek's Liberation Army)
I bring you the best regards
As you see I m going to make a speech
but my speech is not going to be similar with the speeches you have known until now,
I am not going to promise you that i will make bridges and rivers for you...
neither to promise you the imposible...
I just want you to hear carefully what I will tell you...
Since 1821 until now (1944) our people fight for freedom and indepedence,
noone made for gift freedom to our people...
In the contrary foreign and local reaction made theit best to bow down
to geld the popular character of the movement and to impose a new slavery...
years of cheating and profiteering kept us away from happiness and culture
and thowed us to the poverty and hunger...
to misery and unhappiness...
We had been in this situation when exploded the war whirlwind and the conflict among the titans,
the people that made the "Albanean" Saga (against Italy and Albania 1940) resigned but were not defeated....
this was not a defeat of our people but the defeat of the regimes which intervened from 1821 to 1941,
So the Germans came to our country and enslaved us,
then some run away and the others made a government and told us:
be quiet kids, order and safety...
what we could respect from these who wear the Claques (hats) and the fracs (costumes)
so the weight fell on a few people, these who were spanked at the police dungeons,
but they were full of heroism and bravery and a warm Greek heart with original Greek blood,
these turned on the torch and yelled for the rising of the Nation,
these encouraged the Greeks and created the new "Society of Friends", the National Liberation Front (EAM) the EAM...
EAM and ELAS promised people the fight against the conqueror and the release of our country...
These promises were kept by us but we promised something else to the people...
that we will not let our guns if we dont succeed the double freedom the congregationalism (direct democracy)...
means the people to solve with their vote the matter of the King and the government...
We want only the people to vote unaffected and free and everyone to respect the people...
If this will not take place, we will go to the mountains again...
But I am sure that it will not be necessary since our people suffered hardly and today they know well what is their benefit...
with this belief I finish calling you to yell:
Hurrah (Viva) our sovereign people...

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