This week, the US senate published a bill that would give the FBI seemingly unlimited power to pry into the “electronic communications” of American citizens. The bill would give the FBI warrantless access to email records as well as a slew of other electronic data.
Its passage could effectively end online privacy.
According to a report in the Intercept:
The provision, tucked into the Senate Intelligence Authorization Act, would explicitly authorize the FBI to obtain “electronic communication transactional records” for individuals or entities — though it doesn’t define what that means. The bill was passed by the Senate Intelligence Committee last week.
In the past, the FBI has considered “electronic communication transactional records” to be a broad category of information — including everything from browsing history, email header information, records of online purchases, IP addresses of contacts, and more.
The single ‘no’ vote against the bill came from Sen. Ron Wyden, who wrote a letter warning Americans that the bill’s provisions “would allow any FBI field office to demand email records without a court order, a major expansion of federal surveillance powers.”
Using the fear mongering tactics of “we need this to keep you safe,” the Fed will likely force this bill to become law.
The bill, if passed, could theoretically allow the FBI to target any individual who visits the Free Thought because of the subversive, yet entirely peaceful nature of the site. That information would then be stored, and a file kept on all people who are perceived rebellious by the state.
If you think the government declaring peaceful liberty-minded individuals as enemies of the state is far-fetched, think again. In 2009, a secret report distributed by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) entitled “The Modern Militia Movement” specifically describes supporters of presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr as “militia” influenced terrorists and instructs the Missouri police to be on the lookout for supporters displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties.
Of course, all laws like this one are ostensibly designed to keep you safe from ‘terror,’ however, as we’ve seen in the past — terrorism is but a fraction of the cause for legislation like this.
Taking to the airwaves to voice his concern over the death of the 4th Amendment in relation to Senate Intelligence Authorization Act, Judge Andrew Napolitano unleashed his fury.
Napolitano noted the sheer ominous nature of a bill that would allow the FBI access to a person’s web history.
He pointed out that the government will, as it always does, argue that this is necessary to keep us safe from terror attacks. But he would note that the argument is a “facade.”
“This law will pass because the Congress doesn’t give a damn about whether it’s unconstitutional!” said Napolitano.
Pointing out that the police state continues to get worse, regardless of which puppet is in the White House, Napolitano bravely said, on FOX News of all places, “It always gets worse, it never gets better. No matter who’s in the White House, and no matter which party controls the Congress.”
“The American people should wake up. This is a major step…….toward a police state,” he said.
At the end of the video, Shepard Smith makes a hard hitting point about why this is able to continue.
“People get riled up about the stupidest things and something important like this, you can’t get them to even send an email.”
Its passage could effectively end online privacy.
According to a report in the Intercept:
The provision, tucked into the Senate Intelligence Authorization Act, would explicitly authorize the FBI to obtain “electronic communication transactional records” for individuals or entities — though it doesn’t define what that means. The bill was passed by the Senate Intelligence Committee last week.
In the past, the FBI has considered “electronic communication transactional records” to be a broad category of information — including everything from browsing history, email header information, records of online purchases, IP addresses of contacts, and more.
The single ‘no’ vote against the bill came from Sen. Ron Wyden, who wrote a letter warning Americans that the bill’s provisions “would allow any FBI field office to demand email records without a court order, a major expansion of federal surveillance powers.”
Using the fear mongering tactics of “we need this to keep you safe,” the Fed will likely force this bill to become law.
The bill, if passed, could theoretically allow the FBI to target any individual who visits the Free Thought because of the subversive, yet entirely peaceful nature of the site. That information would then be stored, and a file kept on all people who are perceived rebellious by the state.
If you think the government declaring peaceful liberty-minded individuals as enemies of the state is far-fetched, think again. In 2009, a secret report distributed by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) entitled “The Modern Militia Movement” specifically describes supporters of presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, and Bob Barr as “militia” influenced terrorists and instructs the Missouri police to be on the lookout for supporters displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties.
Of course, all laws like this one are ostensibly designed to keep you safe from ‘terror,’ however, as we’ve seen in the past — terrorism is but a fraction of the cause for legislation like this.
Taking to the airwaves to voice his concern over the death of the 4th Amendment in relation to Senate Intelligence Authorization Act, Judge Andrew Napolitano unleashed his fury.
Napolitano noted the sheer ominous nature of a bill that would allow the FBI access to a person’s web history.
He pointed out that the government will, as it always does, argue that this is necessary to keep us safe from terror attacks. But he would note that the argument is a “facade.”
“This law will pass because the Congress doesn’t give a damn about whether it’s unconstitutional!” said Napolitano.
Pointing out that the police state continues to get worse, regardless of which puppet is in the White House, Napolitano bravely said, on FOX News of all places, “It always gets worse, it never gets better. No matter who’s in the White House, and no matter which party controls the Congress.”
“The American people should wake up. This is a major step…….toward a police state,” he said.
At the end of the video, Shepard Smith makes a hard hitting point about why this is able to continue.
“People get riled up about the stupidest things and something important like this, you can’t get them to even send an email.”