Τετάρτη 16 Μαρτίου 2016


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George Soros: The annual cost of 11 billion euros of Syrian refugees

Patricia TURHAN

November 8, 2015 - 16:33:00
(το άρθρο αυτό όπως βλέπετε έχει δημοσιευτεί στην εφημερίδα στις 8/11/2015)

George Soros, the solutions to Syrian refugees were also shared with the Turkish authorities. World's currently in a panic, saying that Soros "cinema fire broke out and the output signal can be seen. A catastrophic situation. must be aware of the crisis and Turkey's legitimate demands should be met, "he said.

THE WORLD'S most famous speculator George Soros and the Open Society Foundations, the founder of the Syrian refugees in the eye. Soros now happened 'theater of fire "and describes him as' a sign of status output to indicate that you have not seen it so bad. Soros "a real crisis should be aware of it. He is experiencing a process that could destroy the European Union, "saying European leaders and the United Nations (UN) for the solutions offered by 'six step' proposal has opened the debate in Turkey. The other day one refugee costs, according to Soros's account also views with Turkish officials, 5 thousand euros . The annual cost reaches 11 billion euros and accounts ever of a country according to Soros reluctant to these figures. Turkey's is 2.5 million, emphasizing the need to meet the costs assumed by the impending refugee host Soros also says that the EU should take it.

Soros explains the situation: "What will be Turkey's interests? Assumed costs should be compensated. And costs will rise much more than in the past. He needs to get closer to the EU and Turkey. Turkey has close relations Russia some time ago. President Erdogan, Putin would accept a role model. However, this correlation broke Russia's intervention in Syria. Russia returned to the great Katherine period. This is the mentality that defend the interests of Orthodox Christians started their crusade. Russia has returned to its traditional model. And it is not possible reconciliation between Erdogan's purpose. The EU need each other in Turkey.


For a three-day trip in Turkey Ishak Alaton Soros Open Society Foundation and they worked together for many years he celebrated his 88th age, both told the Turkish officials met with journalists on the model. Soros is a period in European countries '6 point' carries out visits to forward the proposal to the leaders. If they say the United Nations said they work very close look much more favorably on the proposal Soros also records that have not yet accepted in Europe. Soros '6 point' suggestions of where they are based to extract Syrian refugees waited until accepted in Europe. Soros first Syrian border countries, including Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan expressed could be the creation of this center model in which secure the refugees with visas and travel documents if it agreed to refugees European countries that basing on the principle of going to the country.


Currently the country is considering what happened as Soros noted that the panic: "Panic and refugees, affecting both public authorities. such as fire and exit sign can be seen leaving the cinema. A catastrophic situation does not reach a real crisis, and aware of it. a crisis that could destroy the EU. He said the EU could take a year to 1 million refugees. These purchases made until people safely wait and needs to take while waiting for support. The cost of the EU do not know where to meet. We are waiting for approval from the United Nations donors conference. The Obama administration and supports the new Canadian prime minister. "


solution in Europe that want Merkel, German Chancellor and stating that Turkey is a key point, Soros says that Turkey is the right base for all demands. Soros argues that contribute to the national income of the country in which they are requesting the provision of refugees to contribute according to their national income that you need to make attractive the EU member states and countries to accept refugees.

LIGHTS OUT burning the SOROS

OPEN Society Foundation Chairman of the Soros proposal Ishak Alaton 'cinema fire' output light oil speaks stating that "this is an important proposal and offer both Europe solves the problem of Turkey."


GEORGE Soros journalists "Travel events accused the interest and to support activists at the lobby You have been, how do you assess" gave the following answer on the question: " Foundations ' actively protesting that I did promote or incite did not etmet that this is a wrong attitude. But the foundation has provided legal and medical support to the victims of these events. "

Και ακολουθεί ένα έγγραφο το οποίο κάνει λόγο για την εισροή 3 εκατ. προσφύγων από την Τουρκία!! Το έγγραφο αυτό συμπίπτει να είναι πολύ κοντά χρονικά με την παραπάνω δημοσίευση!!

Και για του λόγου το αληθές ότι κάτι ύποπτο συμβαίνει κλείνουμε την σημερινή αναφορά μας με το θέμα με τα δύο tweet του Προέδρου του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου κ. ΝΤΟΝΑΛΝΤ ΤΟΥΣΚ λίγες ώρες μετά την Σύνοδο Κορυφής της 7ης Μαρτίου 2016 όπου ευχαριστεί δημόσια τις χώρες που έκλεισαν τα σύνορα τους χωρίς απόφαση των οργάνων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης



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