Τρίτη 31 Ιανουαρίου 2017


Video footage shows an anti-Trump agitator punching and knocking out a Trump supporter during a mini-riot at Portland Airport over the weekend.

The incident took place on Sunday during demonstrations against Trump’s travel ban on individuals from terror-linked countries.

The clip shows anti-Trump protesters pushing and shoving their way into the airport aggressively as they yell “peace! peace!”

A confrontation then quickly arises before one of the anti-Trump radicals punches a man from behind, knocking him out cold. The footage appears to show two anti-Trump protesters taking a swing at the same victim.

It subsequently emerged that the victim, 39-year-old Grant Chisholm, a member of the Bible Believers group, was hit with “something metallic”.

“They almost killed me tonight,” Chisholm told the Oregonian.

While some of the anti-Trump protesters appear shocked at the violence and denounce it, others are heard quite clearly celebrating the attack.

“That’s how you talk to a Nazi! That’s right!” screams one, before gloating, “Your boy got knocked out!”

“Don’t lose the propaganda war!” shouts another, presumably aware that the attack makes anti-Trump demonstrators look bad.

“Wooo! Hunt the Nazis!” screams another man in celebration of the vicious assault.

“That’s right Nazi boy! Where’s your f***ing fuhrer now bitch!” yells another.

To add insult to injury, the demonstrators then began chanting “peaceful protest!” as the victim lay prostrate on the floor of the airport.

It seems probable that the legitimization of the attack was fueled by the mainstream media’s veneration of the violent attack on alt-right leader RIchard Spencer, who was punched in the face during an unprovoked attack at the inauguration.

Outlets like Newsweek and The Nation lauded the idea that punching people in the face was acceptable and to be encouraged, so long as you claim they’re a “Nazi”. Using violence to advance a political cause is otherwise known as terrorism.

The incident follows similar violence at Trump’s inauguration earlier this month when numerous Trump supporters were viciously attacked by self-proclaimed anarchists and far-left anti-Trump rioters.

Having been radicalized by the mainstream media’s legitimization of hysteria and violence, so long as it is directed towards Trump supporters, anti-Trump radicals are becoming more and more unhinged.

How long before these individuals adopt Weathermen-style tactics and replace fists and bricks with guns and bombs?

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